What We Do
At the Love & Correction (LAC) Room, our vision is to establish a space where love and correction are actively demonstrated through both live and online sessions. These gatherings aim to promote truth, foster a deep understanding of our true identity in Christ and in this world, guide individuals on the path to salvation, provide a proper perspective on the Bible, underscore the significance of marriage and family, and empower participants through impactful ministry training.
Our primary focus is to bring order and perspective grounded in the teachings of the word of God. We recognize that the current structure of the church often falls short in fulfilling these objectives and may not align with biblical principles; simply put, what we've been taught “wasn’t God’s way!” We believe that change is essential now; and we strive to be a catalyst for that transformation.
In the LAC Room, individual significance takes a backseat as we prioritize the process of loving and correcting one another. If you find yourself in our room or session, rest assured that you were meant to be there, and Jesus will meet you exactly where you are in your journey. Let’s enter the Kingdom together!
Jesus said I am truth, the way and the life.
No man comes to the Father, except by me. This true statement spawns an eternal love message of exactness, throughout the ages of a people, and mankind. It reaches to the height of all mans affairs and stands alone as Sola (supreme in authority).
Christ's truth is unchallenged, unmatched, and unconquerable; it will always prevail!.
Love & Correction is built on this truth.
We seek to propagate His truth, His way.
The word is clear, the gospel is an offense to them that are perishing; but to those who are being saved it is the power of God, forever changing lives!
Most of what we know and have learned as a people, came from a western cultural view. In recent years, it has come under intense scrutiny, warranting us to take a closer look. We as so-called African Americans, and people of color have been told falsities as to our origin and true identity.
Love & Correction seeks to expose the truth, and teach the truth from a biblical perspective. Helping our people and many others to know who we really are; because "We are the people!"
This e-course helps us understand and retain What the bible is, Who is it written too, How it was written, Who is its focus, Why, and much more!
You will grasp a better understanding of the Bible and God's intent through the inspiration of those chosen to share the gospel.
Ministry training is where we train members in understanding true ministry; that we may look like the Bible, and carry out each one's own mission ordained by God.
What is Salvation? What did the Bible mean when it said that salvation is of the Hebrews first? Why is salvation important to us as the church? Why must we revisit its true meaning? We'll explore these question and more, in the LAC Room.
Establishing the true meaning of marriage and family as God intended. Explaining and dissecting each role; male, female; and the children. Drawing a clear picture of the family that we can unlock our full potential as provided by God.